Wednesday 29 February 2012

Matteo all smiles :)

Here are two videos of me getting Matteo to smile at mommy :)

Professional pics!

Sorry for being MIA.  I'm always so busy! I don't know how my sister kept up so well with her blog when she had a 8 week old!.  Anyways my amazing cousin Ryan, took some beautiful pics of our baby Matteo, he is approx. 5 weeks here.  Here are a few of my favourites! :)

Friday 17 February 2012

First video post

I am uploading a video of Matteo having some fun on his playmat.  He is 6 weeks old here.  I will try to start taking more videos to share :)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Short post

Recently Matteo has found his tongue and loves to stick it out.  Here's a cute pic that Dom took of him sticking it out:

Saturday I hung out in the afternoon with Andrea and Emily.  Here's a cute cousin's picture.

Saturday night my cousin Ryan came over and took some portrait pictures of Matteo.  I cannot wait to see them all.  We did get some really cute pictures of the lil'guy. Those pics will follow soon on here once I receive them.  Thanks again Ryan ! :)