Monday 28 October 2013

Matteo's first haircut

Yes we cut off his beautiful curls but it was just getting too knotty at the back.



At the park after his cut

Saturday 26 October 2013

Brooks Farm

This past friday, My mom, sister, Emily, Claire, Matteo, Julia and I all decided to go to Brooks farm.  It was very chilly but kinda fun (not sure if it was worth the money) but matteo seemed to have fun, and enjoyed the Train (wagon) ride. Here are some pics.

Julia - 2 months

Julia had her 2 month check up on Oct 17th. She was 11 lbs and 10 oz and 24 inches long! She's very long, now wonder why she is in 3 to 6 month clothes.  The checkup when well, except the shots. Those made me sad. Poor thing cried hysterically.  She was also so grumpy at home and wouldn't stop crying for like an hour so we gave her some Tylonol and some cuddles and she calmed down.  I think she is very sensitive. (Just like her mamma haha) She still has been sleeping really well (at night she sleeps one chunk for 5 or 6 to 7 hours usually and then 3 hours or so after) and really she is not a fussy baby.  We really lucked out with her.  :) :) :) She has also found her hands and likes to suck on them, and really smiles sooo much more now. She is just a sweetie. :) :) :)

Matteo and his cousins Liam and Logan

cousins, 3 months apart!

Matteo at his first indoor playground

Julia and Madison about 1 month apart


loves her mobile

and Matteo loves her mobile lol

and he loves his lil sis

Jaiden and Matteo on a wagon ride, one week apart in age!

Monday 14 October 2013


Here are some cute pics from Thanksgiving  .. we never got a family shot :(
Matteo and his rocking horse

Matteo smiling :)

Julia all dolled up
pretty dress
Matteo not want to smile, but so cute anyways

My niece Emily smiling nice

My other beautiful niece smiling :)

Baba and Julia

Pretty Julia

a rare pic of Julia and I

Matteo and Emily playing with mega blocks

another pic