Wednesday 27 November 2013

Julia watching The Delivery Man

She was soo good

3 months!

Julia is over 3 months now.  She had her check up yesterday (a little late) but she weighs 13lbs 13oz now, in the 60% percentile for weight.  About a week before she turned 3months she started being more alert, smiling all the time, and laughing.  Also she grabs at toys now which is cute to see.  She has great head control and can follow an object around the room.  She has started to catnap more and is hard to get her to sleep longer then 45mins at a time.  Lucky for me she is a great baby, and pretty easy since Matteo can be more demanding on my time.  At the beginning of the month Matteo had broncolitis (kids version of broncitis) and thank god, Julia never got it. Maybe just a little cold.  But it took Matteo a good 2 to 3 weeks to get back to normal.  It was a loooooong few weeks. Soooo tiring.

We are all decorated now for christmas, and Matteo loves the lights and the balls (bulbs) and every now and then takes one off the tree.  Good thing I have non breakables at the bottom.  He also loves our outside lights b/c they are colours, he likes to say blue, green, red, and yellow (doesn't always get the colours right though). Matteo is talking a lot more, its so exciting to watch him grow and say new words each day.  Matteo loves playing with cars and trucks, and driving them around or moving them from one place to another.  Its so cute.

Oh and this past Monday I went to stars and strollers, which is going to a movie with your baby. We saw The Delivery Man, which was pretty good.  I went with My sister, Rebecca, and her friend Ashley.  It was so nice to get out.  My mom watched Matteo and took him overnight, which was really nice for me to have a break, and he was really good there had a 3 hour nap and slept from 7:20pm to 5:30am. (He woke up a tad early but atleast he slept the night).

Here are some pictures of our little ones
cute outfit



sleeping with a Canadiens shirt



so sweet

Matteo and his 'neigh' he loves him

Another Matteo and Julia shot in her crib

He even brought in Neigh

about to give a kiss

I have finally finished decorating her room, and I added some wall decals to Matteos:

Wednesday 6 November 2013


Here is Matteo helping me empty out the pumpkin guts.

Here is Madison and Julia wearing the same outfit at a baby group we were at.

Here we are getting ready for halloween, Matteo was getting sick and was just not into the whole trick or treating part.  He was done after 4 houses, and did I mention we started at 5:50pm. haha 

These last few pictures were taken on Sunday for Thierry's 2nd birthday party, it was halloween themed!