Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter 2014 !!!

Well today was Julia's 1st Easter and Matteo's 3rd easter.  I got Julia all dolled up in a dress and Matteo in a dress shirt and away we went.  They got tons of gifts.  From the easter bunny this year they each got a stuffed bunny and a book.  

Opening presents:

Dressed up and taking pictures: (Matteo did not co-operated well )

 Easter Egg Hunt at Baba and Dzedo's, which I think Matteo enjoyed:

Thursday 17 April 2014

Spring is here

Finally spring is here.  The warmer weather has melted all the snow away.  Looking forward getting outside in the backyard, going for walks and parks with the kids.  This week the kids are sick with a cold.  It can be very tiring taking care of both when I am one and they are two and they both are needy on me.  The plus is Matteo seems to be on the mend, and Julia seems to be a few days behind him.  So she should be getting better soon.  We have plans over this weekend to turn Matteo's crib into a toddler day bed.  (basically all we are doing is taking of the front of his crib and adding a guardrail so he cant fall out but can get in and out of his crib all by himself).  I'm hoping this goes well.  The reason we want to do this is he can climb in and out of his crib himself and when he wakes up in the morning he kicks the side of his crib and I think its been waking Julia.  I'm hoping he will wake up and play a bit or read a book while he waits for his to get him in the morning.   Julia has just turned 8 months a few days ago.  She really wants to be on the move.  She does a slow butt crawl right now, but I'm sure she'd love to go faster.  She also gets up on her knees.  Shes also clapping and sticking out her tongue. She just adores Matteo, and I think most of the time Matteo adores her too :)  Here are some pictures of the cuties. (more of Julia b/c she sits still actually hehehe)

Auntie & Julia

Mamma & Julia

Trying to get a pic with both, this was the best one haha

Playdate with her cousin

Were so cute together, Julia wanted to be moving like Claire

All dressed up :)

Great Nonna & Julia

Great Nonno & Julia

Dzedo & Julia

Bathing the little ones, look at all the toys!

Love this picture lol


Nonno & Julia

Grandma & Julia

Baba & Julia

Thursday 10 April 2014

Whats new.....?

Whats been going on this past month? well Matteo got his 2nd haircut at Melonheads and he surprised us and was on his BEST behaviour. I do miss his curls but this is way easier to maintain and also I know his curls will be back soon :)


Next Julia got her first teeth.  Both bottom ones.  She got them around 7 and 1/2 months.  She was pretty much her normal self, only minus of these teeth coming in was she didn't want to BF much AT ALL which had mommy very worried.  (She only would feed morning and night) I even took her to the doctors.  He weighed her (18.4 lbs) and told me he isn't concerned since she had gained a pound since her last appointment.  He said I could add formula or BM to her cereal if I would like.  I am happy now we are back up to 3 BF'ings a day now.  Morning, 11 to 12 morning feed and then night time around 6:30 to 7pm.  I do not have a picture of her new teeth yet.  She is keeping them hidden from me everytime I try to take a picture. But here are a few pictures of our little girl.

 Lastly today was Matteo 1st dentist appointment.  I booked it with a pediatric dentist since I knew they would be best at handling a little one with lots of energy.  Again he surprised me and the dentist and was amazing! He sat on mamma's lap and leaned back on the dentist while she looked at all of his teeth and gave them a good brushing.  It was a great experience and I learned a lot about taking care of his teeth in the future.  His teeth are in GREAT shape and she was really happy that we do teeth brushings regularly and do not give him juice.  Only milk and water.  She was showing me tons of pictures of childrens teeth that decay from drinking lots of juice and from a bottle, and it totally freaked me out. So scary.  She said you would be surprised how many little kids matteos age come in with rotting teeth.  She said told me she saw 10 kids and only 4 out of the 10 had healthy teeth (including Matteo) .  Matteo has great spacing in between his teeth which is also very helpful for food not to get stuck. His downfall is his pacifier.  So that is going to go, and fast.  Dom and I just have to pick a date and do it.  Should be a fun week of whining and crying. Anyways  here are a few pics from the dentist office playing with the train table.  I didn't get any pics with the dentist b/c I had to hold him.  Oh well hopefully next time :)