Monday 21 July 2014

Julia's First 'swim' and other misc July pictures

I finally took Julia for her 1st swim at the beginning of July.  She surprised me and actually liked it.  Matteo on the other hand was scared of the water.  He would only go on if he held on to me..TIGHTLY.  When he turns 3 I will be signing him up for swim lessons so he can get use to the water more.  

These are some cute sibling pictures:

Matteo had to sit on my mom's lap because Emily was.  He is obsessed with Emily.

My mom's bday party with the kids, smiling so nice with Julia:

And with Matteo:

Julia pictures:

Sunday 20 July 2014

Julia's first time eating Nonna's pasta and meatballs

Wasaga beach with the family

Dom took off a Friday and we decided to pack up the family and go for the day to Wasaga beach. Only an hour and 15min drive from  our house. It was really fun and a beautiful day. Matteo loved the water, building sand castles and the splash pad across the way.   Julia wasn't as much fun.  She scooched all over the beach and ate the sand.  Lol gross!  We then had lunch at Boston Pizza which they both ate a ton.  They were hungry after playing out in the sand. Then they both had a snooze on the car ride home.