Tuesday 6 March 2012

Matteo - 2 months

 Matteo is just over 2 months old! Times is FLYING by.  He is still eating every 3 hours at a time, (a few feeds maybe 4 hours).  Very tiring for mommy! He has found his hands and loves gumming on them.  He is definitely more awake these days, and loves giving mommy and daddy a big smiles when he is in the mood.  ( I feel he is getting close to a laugh soon!) He also loves to talk away to himself usually on his playmat.  This week he goes for his first needles at the doctors :*( I will update how that goes.  Also as of yesterday my friend Jodi and I joined a mommy baby group.  We had the youngest babies there. First every other baby there were girls, and besides one 4 month old all the other babies were 6months or older.  A few mom's told us how brave Jodi and I were to be getting out so early with our babies! I think its really healthy to be doing what we are doing, and also our babies LOVED the class.  We just sang songs to our babies and at the end did some baby massage. There were two songs where you have to lift your baby in the air and everytime i did that Matteo went into BIG smiles! So I am so glad we joined this class. The next class I want to do is the baby sign language, but that will be when he is around 4 months to start. Here are a few pictures:

Matteo sleeping like an angel :)

Matteo smiling:

Matteo and Jaiden before going to the mommy baby group:

Matteo and Jaiden on the mat at the mommy baby group:

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