Thursday 14 June 2012

June already?!

Matteo has been an eating machine.  Now he eats for breakfast oatmeal and some fruit... lunch he has veggies and fruit...and for dinner he has rice cereal and some veggies.   And he's also nursing through-out the day.  Veggies he'd tried are squash (his fav!), sweet potato, peas, beans, zucchini, and carrot.  He will eat them all.  Fruits he's tried are apples, pears (his fav!), peaches, banana and today he tried prunes.  At first he wasn't so keen on fruits and would spit them back but now he's coming around and enjoying them. :) I want to try next avocado and mango next.

Also i'm so proud of Matteo that he sleeps most nights.  Usually from 9pm to 6:30am.  Not bad! I just would like him to start napping better.  Those are struggles. Its like he doesn't want to miss out on anything.  Naps are usually 45mins to 1 hour and usually 2 or 3 times a day.

Other news, he likes rolling all over the place, and putting EVERYTHING in his mouth.  He plays in the exersaucer now, and enjoys the jolly jumper more.  He also just LOVES being on his tummy and playing with toys.  He really wants to move forward and sometimes gets frustrated when he tries to push himself forward and then rolls over. *L* oh my baby boy is growing up so fast.  Its amazing ever since he turned 4 months how much he was changed.   Also he is growing like crazy! I think for weight he is around 18 lbs, and now he is in size 12months clothes! I cannot believe it.  You really do go through baby clothes like crazy.

Thats my update, here are some cute pics of my baby boy :) :) :)

1 comment:

Andrea. said...

What a cutie! He looks so happy! I love the serious face while he's in his exersaucer!