Tuesday 24 July 2012

We have a crawler!

He crawled for the first time today. Check out the video! Proud mamma and pappa! :) :) :)

Sunday 22 July 2012

First Tooth!

Small update: Matteo cut his first tooth on Wednesday! So exciting! He was a bit grumpy that day but other then that he has been in great spirits and sleeping like a champ! And we bought a Britax carseat. (which I had to hunt down since they are all on sale and FINALLY found the one I wanted at Dearborn).  So soon we will be transitioning him from the bucket to the new carseat, since he is soooooo close to out growing it.  I will def. miss the bucket b/c I know it will be hard on those days he falls asleep in the car and I will have to wake him :( Anyways.......here are some pictures for you to get your Matteo fix :)

Thursday 12 July 2012

My love, my baby, my adorable guy

His six month appointment went extremely well.  He weighs 18lbs 14oz and was 71cm long (approx 28inches ) He was good too with his needle, only cried for a second until i picked him up and he was fine.  Now we are to try everything over the next 3 months.  (meats, yogurts, pastas and some other fruits and veg) so exciting. He is turning into a little man. I LOVE him sooooo much. Its just crazy the love you have for your child.  Yesterday he went from being on his knees to a sitting position! It was so  amazing! No crawling yet, but he gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth.  He also seems to go backwards more. *L* but seriously no rush on the crawling b/c then we are going to have to baby proof EVERYTHING. We still need to install that kitty door to the basement. eeek! Here are some adorable pictures of Matteo :)

Auntie Jenn and Matteo

Mamma and her baby

Family shot
Daddy and Matteo playing in his pool on Canada Day

Chillin' out

Happy boy!

Everything goes in his mouth

trying to pet Prada lol

Where you going??

Loves his train

Face shot! Adorable!!!!
ready to crawl

Matteo and Jaiden 'swimming' hehe
Matteo's new friend Samantha and Jaiden


The Piano player