Sunday 22 July 2012

First Tooth!

Small update: Matteo cut his first tooth on Wednesday! So exciting! He was a bit grumpy that day but other then that he has been in great spirits and sleeping like a champ! And we bought a Britax carseat. (which I had to hunt down since they are all on sale and FINALLY found the one I wanted at Dearborn).  So soon we will be transitioning him from the bucket to the new carseat, since he is soooooo close to out growing it.  I will def. miss the bucket b/c I know it will be hard on those days he falls asleep in the car and I will have to wake him :( are some pictures for you to get your Matteo fix :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I am loving the pictures! thanks!

that second picture, looks like he's beckoning you to come closer! *LOL*