Friday 24 August 2012

End of August already?

Hello! Sorry for not posting these days.  My lil guy keeps me so busy and once he's in bed I am exhausted and ready for bed! *L*

These days Matteo is a crawling machine!! He crawls everywhere.  We have been baby proofing but we still need to get one for the bottom of the stairs.  He does like to crawl up the stairs (as long as someones behind him or he'd fall).  Also he loves standing holding on to something.  He crawls to whatever and will stand holding on and get so excited!! I cannot believe how fast he is progressing! Its crazy.  Soon he'll be walking! :*( He's growing up so fast.

He is still eating like a champ.  He likes most baby purees.  I'd say his favourite fruits are : Pear, apple mixed with plum and my homemade peach puree made with ONTARIO peaches!!! His favourite veggies: butternut squash, zucchini, green beans, and creamed corn.  He loves the baby mum mums and is VERY interested in EVERYTHING I eat.

 On sleep, he is sleeping very well cannot complain... He sleeps the night.  Its just night time can get tiring since I will need to rock him to sleep most nights.  Usually only takes 10 or 15 mins but I cannot bring myself to letting him cry it out in his crib.  I know that day will have to come.  He is usually a good little sleeper at night and will sleep from 8:30 to about 7 or 7:30.  Some days he wakes earlier like today, he woke at 5:50am.  He was crying really hard so I had to go in an give him some comfort and some milk.  He did sleep for another hour and woke at 7:15 ish.  So that is usually the rare occasion and usually I don't have to go in and comfort him. I really think his teeth have been bothering him.  His top tooth has just cut through.  Poor lil guy :(

Other things... He LOVES bath time and its actually hilarious but when we turn on the tap to draw his bath he crawl so fast into the bathroom and stands up next to the tub and gets REALLY excited.  Its sooo adorable.  I wanna get it on video and post it on here.  Its just to adorable not to.

Here are some pictures!! ENJOY

Bath time! His favourite him!

Mamma and baby

Matteo dressed up in his ferrari outfit

close up :)

Daddy and Matteo

Matteo LOVES being on daddy's shoulders

Matteo and his grandparents

Dressed up and Baby Mario

Auntie Jenn and Matteo

LOL! Giving Stink-eye with Sarah

Super Mario cupcakes! Best cupcakes ever!

Loves the swings!

swinging away, and loved when you pushed him higher

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