Sunday 14 October 2012


OK I know I have been MIA from here for over a month.  Just Matteo keeps me so busy I just don't have much time for anything.  Quick post... he is now 9 and a half months.  We were at his doctors last week and he is 31inches long and they FOR SURE weighed him wrong, they said he was 18 lbs 3 oz... which NO WAY that is true... even when I got home from the doctors Dom and I weighed him on our scale and we estimate 21lbs... ugh! I wish my doctor had re-weighed him.  Oh well.  Anyways he's very active, crawling fast EVERYWHERE and pulling himself up to a standing position everywhere.  He has 4 teeth and the 5th is on its way.  He is eating really well.  Usually 7 to 8 ounces each meal and breast milk morning, afternoon and bedtime.  My doctor wants me to take that down to 2 by 12months. He's also doing really well with finger foods.  He really likes to try everything.  Here are a few pictures from over the Thanksgiving weekend:

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