Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday to Matteo!!

Today Matteo is 2. Crazy! He is turning into such a cute little kid. Not a baby anymore. (happy and sad for mamma) Today we took Matteo to McDee's for breakfast, which he ate 2 whole pancakes and a yogurt.  He was hungry! From there we went home and relax, and then in the afternoon daddy took him for a short toboggan ride.  Matteo liked it a bit, but I think it was just too cold on his face. For dinner he had his favourite, Pizza and a cupcake for dessert. Which he ate the icing and left the cake LOL! oh well.  Well here are some pictures from today.

 Sharing some of his cupcake with daddy :)

 Julia watching from her exersaucer.  First day we put her in it and she seems to like it :)

Christmas eve and Christmas day

As some of you might know, Christmas eve and Christmas day was a bust for this Giordano family.  Matteo had the stomach flu on Saturday the 21st and from there Dom got it on the 24th and I got it on the 25th. We ended up missing both family dinners :( So on the 26th when we were feeling better we decided to take some pictures with the kids and unwrap presents.  Here are some of them:

Saturday 21 December 2013

Julia- 4 months old

Quick update.  She had her appointment yesterday and is now 14lbs 13oz (60% for weight) and 26.5inches tall (95% for height) now wonder why she is out growing her 6 months clothes.  I need to get out any 9 months stuff I have.  We can start introducing baby cereal anytime now, or when shes ready and showing interest.  She has been going through this horrible sleep regression right now and waking up like 3 to 4 times at night ... which makes for a very sleep deprived mommy :( Doctor said we should let her cry a bit in the night and she should sleep through the night.  Easier said then done. When Dom's off during christmas we might try it then... we will see ... Good thing she's a cutie :)

Cousins party

Here are some pictures from the cousins party we had at our house on Dec 15th.  My turkey actually turned out! yay :)

These last 2 are of Matteo and Julia reading a book with daddy.  So cute :)

Santa Claus picture :)

Sunday 8 December 2013

Picture post :) :) :)

Pictures by the christmas tree, Matteo wouldn't sit and smile with her so we will work on getting a nice pic near the tree

Matteo got out his tools and helped daddy put together the new coffee table for our living room

Julia in her bouncy chair, she loves grabbing at everything now

So happy after a nap, I couldn't help take a bunch of pictures

*LOL* this picture makes me laugh b/c of her eyes

Sitting nicely in her bumbo

Its hard to get a shot of Matteo, he's always moving about ....here's a picture of him lying on the floor with toys all around his head (his favourite stuffy 'neigh' made it in the pic)

Playmat fun

Matteo's first time out in the snow all bundled up, he didnt' like it to much...he just wanted to look at the christmas lights