Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday to Matteo!!

Today Matteo is 2. Crazy! He is turning into such a cute little kid. Not a baby anymore. (happy and sad for mamma) Today we took Matteo to McDee's for breakfast, which he ate 2 whole pancakes and a yogurt.  He was hungry! From there we went home and relax, and then in the afternoon daddy took him for a short toboggan ride.  Matteo liked it a bit, but I think it was just too cold on his face. For dinner he had his favourite, Pizza and a cupcake for dessert. Which he ate the icing and left the cake LOL! oh well.  Well here are some pictures from today.

 Sharing some of his cupcake with daddy :)

 Julia watching from her exersaucer.  First day we put her in it and she seems to like it :)

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