Tuesday 21 January 2014

Matteo's 2nd Birthday Party

I know this post is a little late, but here are some pictures from his 2nd birthday party.  Don't have too many b/c was too hectic and hard to remember to take pics.
Thomas the Train cake

Happy birthday Matteo

enjoying the cake

Auntie Andrea and Julia

Julia all dressed up for her brothers bday

trying to get a smile, no success

caught him stealing some chocolates

Claire and Baba

Emily all dressed up with her mommy

Matteo running around with a ballon

trying to get a pic with the bday boy, no success

playing with his friend Gavin

The yummy food

some guest

Matteo and the cake

Unwrapping presents

Matteo helps for one or two presents

Then he found a box of forks lol

my cute boy with a messy face

Running around hyped up on sugar!

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