Tuesday 28 January 2014

Matteo's 2 year check up and Julia's 5 month check up

Matteo had his 2 year check up and it went well, and NO needles (yay!). His weight was 28.3lbs and 35 inches tall (just shy of 3 feet!).  He has been talking a lot more, and trying to repeat words that we say.  He just started saying two words together, like more milk, daddys hat, cat food, and so on... its very cute :) He loves playing with his play kitchen and 'pretending' to wash dishes and mix something up in a pot.  He also loves trains, cars and trucks, and enjoys watching Elmo and You Tube videos of Sesame Street.  Its amazing how every week he changes.  He understands so much, just he gets very frustrated with not being able to tell us what he's thinking.  He is also a very good little eater. He has recently been eating like crazy. Not sure if he's going through a growth spurt or just his appetite has gotten better.  He is still having one nap a day (usually) and naps for approx 2 hours and sleeps usually 11 hours at night.

Julia's 5 month check up was fast, she weighs 16 lbs 3 oz, and has now started to eat baby food.  We have so far done rice cereal, oatmeal, apples, blueberry, squash, sweet potato and carrot.  She likes her food, its just so different b/c she is so different from Matteo was at this stay.  He was always hungry and ready to eat lots, as she likes to eat a few tablespoons and then shes done.  She is also very very grabby! She wants to get ahold of whatever you have in your hand or in close range to her.  And not her toys, more things like cell phones, remotes, Matteo's toys (which i dont want her to chew on).  She is also much more of an observer then wanting to do stuff.  She is just not that interested in rolling.  She has done it a few times, just has no interest.  She would rather try to stand, which is why she loves the exersaucer and the jumperoo.  Julia's sleep is something we need to figure out. She needs to learn to self sooth herself, since she has NO interest in a pacifier, and she is really not to interested in being rocked.  So usually still having 2 wake ups at night or more :( need to figure this out soon. She has been going to sleep at 7pm, so I will end up putting Julia to bed and Dom will put Matteo to bed.  Now we actually have a few hours in the evening for ourselves!

Will write more later, but here are some pictures:
Matteo's new ride


Both in highchairs, fun times!

LOL this was too funny, he got in there himself

Daddy doing F1 training in the basement

Matteo helping daddy shovel

He was a good helper

Family Fun time

Hello cutie!

again CUTIE!

watching her mobile

rosey cheeks, maybe teething?

cute outfit!

At the doctors being extra cute


Loves her feet

My new craft idea, pom poms, ribbons and empty containers to put them in! Great for his fine motor skills.

He really loved it, he played for over an hour with them

More tummy time

Her cute Guess dress with Sophie!

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