Saturday 24 August 2013

Julia has arrived!

Our baby girl has arrived :) Julia Eva Anne Giordano was born August 15th at 1:11am weighing in at 7lbs and 7oz and 19 inches long.  She is just so beautiful.  Labour was interesting, the worst part was being induced.  Other then that it was smooth sailing after getting some gas and then my epidural.  Labour progressed pretty fast.  Matteo has been pretty good with Julia.  He loves the 'bebe'.  He likes to give her kisses, give her her paci, and he 'helps' change her diaper, and I mean he will help get a wipe and then throw it on her and will bring the diaper to the garbage if asked.  He has been extra clingy with me and Dom so Im sure this is all part of the process of introducing the 2nd child.  Here are some pictures of our new little one:

Proud mamma

First family shot, we couldn't get Matteo to look at the camera

Dzedo and Julia!

1st bath

Auntie Andrea and her new baby niece

Uncle Steve and baby Julia

Grandma and Nonno and Julia

Cutie! :)
Going home from the hospital :) Yes I had to give her a cute headband :)

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