Thursday 19 June 2014


Yes, I know its been awhile since i've posted.  I've attached a bunch of pictures though :).  Over the past month, Julia was on and off being sick with a cough and had a right ear infection.  She is now 10 months old, and the prettiest little girl ever. :) She scootch everywhere, and VERY fast.  She can now climb stairs, which is great since she does the crawling motion up.  She stands holding onto something, and will walk along the couch.  Her new thing is not liking purees.  Which is just awesome! (not!) So I try to get in as much as I can puree wise and then will give her pieces of food.  She really likes to eat food though.  I have a feeling b/c she sees her brother eating himself she wants to do it too.  Julia just adores her big brother, and he adores her just as much.  Sometimes though I just dont think he know his own strength.  Even when I time him out for hurting Julia, she will scootch over to his time out area b/c she just always wants to be around him.  I really hope they have an amazing relationship as they get older.  

Can't think of much else to write right now, I need to get the stats from her 9 month check up to write on here.  Here are some really cute pictures taken over the past month of my two cuties.

Mamma & Julia :)


cousins going for a slide

Julia trying her first pickle, I think she enjoyed it

"nom nom nom"

at the beach in Barrie one morning

Julia's "SERIOUS" look lol!!

enjoying the slides

landed on his bum

Hi cutie!

bunch of swing pictures

trying to get a group shot! lol

Julia loves this toy and pushing them all down

siblings :)

My cute boy !

standing holding on


feeding the ducks, one of Matteo's favourite things to do

Julia not amused, but still so pretty

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