Monday 25 August 2014

Julia turning 1

Julia turned 1 this past week and just started walking too! (exactly on the 15th!!).  Her personalitly has really started coming out and she is such a sweet little girl with some spunk! haha She just adores her big brother and wants to follow him around and play with whatever he is playing with (even though he doesn't always want her to).  Her favourite stuff animal is her stuffed bunny which she cuddles at night.  Its so sweet.  She has been eating a lot of solid food these days, not so much baby food.  Her favourites are cottage cheese, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, toast with almost anything on it like peanut butter, hummus or cream cheese... she will definitely try most things but if she doesnt like it will hand it back to you.  Thats my issue with milk right now, she just doesn't like it.  I'm thinking the less I BF the more she will take a liking to it?.. maybe.... I will be seeing her doctor next week so I will have all her stats then.  I will try to post a video of her walking too.

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