Sunday 9 November 2014


Halloween this year was a success.  Matteo loved the whole idea that you ring someones door and say trick or treat and get candy!! Even though the weather was not so great he was such a trooper and didn't want to stop (even though he was getting so cold).  He also loved checking out all of the houses decorations and pumpkins. Luckily he was not scared of anything scary.  Julia only went around to 3 houses, and then Dom decided to take her back b/c of the cold rainy weather.  We also carved some pumpkins this year, which Daddy did.  They were amazing, I am so happy he go involved and enjoyed carving this year :) Matteo helped and watch.

Here are the scary pumpkins daddy carved this year. LOVE THEM :)

Our very own Formula 1 driver, Matteo Giordano

And Julia the strawberry

 Checking out all the candy he got! (which was A LOT!)

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