Wednesday 28 January 2015

Pictures from my phone in January

At the play area in Upper Canada Mall, they both love running around there:

Julia smiling... so cute :)

Lounging on the couch one day after dinner:

A rare moment one morning they were both sitting and reading books:

My big boy asleep in the car:

Selfie of Matteo:

Grocery store adventures after his hair cut:-

getting his haircut in Thomas the Train.  He was so good!

Cousins play date - Saturday Jan 10th

It was so cute to see them play together, each taking turns on the trampoline and eating together at their new table.  Also Julia LOVES being held by Emily.  So cute!

Saturday 17 January 2015

Matteo's Birthday Party - Dinosaur theme (of course!)

Matteo had a great party.  He enjoyed all the treats, pizza and cake!  He had a lot of fun playing with a bunch of kids and of course opening presents.  This year he picked dinosaur theme.  Here are a bunch of pictures from that day.