Thursday 1 January 2015

Christmas 2014

Hooray! This christmas Dominic made it through without getting sick. It was our christmas miracle! lol Christmas this year was so much fun. Matteo really got into the whole christmas spirit and loved all the christmas decorations, trees, and LIGHTS!! He loved reading all the christmas books every night too.  Also enjoyed watching old christmas shows on TV like Mickey Mouse Christmas Carol and Frosty the Snowman.  He even enjoyed TLCs crazy christmas lights shows! haha  Julia got into the whole christmas experience and could say HoHoHo ! On Christmas eve we left out cookies and milk for santa, and a carrot for his reindeer. Christmas day was full of excitement (too much excitement!) Santa came to our house and got Matteo a Dinosaur Thomas train set, Julia got a Fisher Price Learn & Laugh chair, and they got a joint gift which Matteo loves... a Guitar and Microphone.  He loved opening ALL the presents and getting lots of toys.  He even helped mommy, daddy and Julia open all of our presents too! Here are some pictures from christmas eve and day.

Only a few from christmas eve (new camera and forgot to bring battery on xmas eve)

Leaving cookies and milk for santa :)

Christmas Day, opening presents

At Baba & Dzedo's house for lunch :

At Uncle Tony & Aunt Carolyn's House for Dinner:

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