Saturday 13 June 2015

End of May Pictures

These Google pictures crack me up , so I had to post it *L*

Here we are the 3 girls, Maddy, Greyson and Julia having a playdate :)

Finally a nice new patio set for our backyard! :)

They still LOVE their baths :)

At Lionel's Pony Farm again, they LOVE it there and feeding the farm animals.  Matteo told me his favourite animal there was the Ostrich.  We are here with Claire and Emily as well 

After the farm we found a park to have some fun.  Julia is obsessed with Emily 

And Lunch and Mickey Dee's, surprised how well behaved they were but I think they were pooped

These are a few pictures from Olivier's 2nd birthday party.  They had a trampoline which Matteo and Julia LOVED.  

Matteo and his meat on a bone, this pic is to show how he will polish off the chicken bones.

Here we are at the park near Nonno and Grandma's.  They love this park so much.

Here we are at the ROM visiting the dinosaurs again.  Matteo liked it a lot more then last time I think.

And Last but not least, Julia and I had to go buy some cat food and we came across some adorable kittens.  She wanted to take one home they were adorable :)

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