Thursday 10 September 2015

1st day of JK for Matteo & 1st day of Pre-school for Julia

Tuesday September 8th was Matteo's first day of Junior Kindergarten (which he goes full day from 8:30 to 3) and Julia's first day of Preschool (which she goes 2x a week for half a day).  It was quite an emotional day.  First off Dominic is away in Italy, so that made it even more tough I think.  I knew it was going to be very emotional, and I had a feeling Julia would cry.  Well boy did she ever. When I dropped her off I had to peel her off of me and give her to Kim (daycare provider).  It was so sad to hear her cry/scream as I walked away.  I come crying to the car, and lucky my mom was there to console me .   Then we went to drop off Matteo.  He seemed excited about the whole thing.  When they called his name he went and lined up and then walked in the doors and didn't even look BACK at me! :( haha well yes I had a sob on my walk home.  I am so happy that he was not upset.  Also the past few days he's gone full day and he seems to be doing really well.  The teachers called him a 'doll' :) and said he is definitely ready for JK! :) Happy Mommy moment! :) Anyways enough of my rambling.  Here are some pictures from their first day:

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