Saturday 21 November 2015

Santa Claus Parade in Newmarket & Misc pics

Took the kids for a haircut, they were both amazing! Sat still and listened to the hairstylist! :)

Matteo loves playing with playdoh, and Julia likes to play with whatever Matteo plays with... haha

Julia got her new BIG girl bed, and I got the CUTEST pics of all 3 Giordano's sleeping together in the Minnie bed. So sweet :)

Started the christmas decorating...They are getting better about hanging ornaments this year.  And Matteo LOVES all of my christmas decorations :)

 Daddy giving Julia a comb over (Donald Trump styles hahaha)

Stylish princess here! haha

Julia cuddling her baby "IO"

Newmarket Santa Claus parade.  It was chilly and WET but we were all troopers and made it through, and got to see SANTA!!

(always parking on Kathryn Cr)

being cute and silly afterwards... 

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