Tuesday 31 January 2012


I  cannot believe our lil guy is one month today.  Time sure flies when your having fun (and no sleep) *L*.  He is still eating every 2-3 hours (once in awhile maybe 4hours) I think I am used to being a walking zombie.  Things he's been doing: He is doing really well at tummy-time.  He can hold his head up much longer then when he was born.  He loves his swing, being rocked in your arms, being walked around in a stroller or car rides .  He fills in his 0-3 month clothes, and soon he will be on to 3-6month! He is such a big boy.  Even diapers he is in between size 1 and 2.  He's staying awake a bit more these days, just looking around, and I catch him looking at me or daddy for a short period of time *smile*, or looking at the mobile on his swing.  He also loves being naked *L* .  I cannot wait for the weather to get warmer so I can go for some long walks with him.  Here are a few pics of our cute little guy:

Dom and Matteo cheering on the Habs:

Family photo :)

Looking adorable during bath time:

Dom gave him a baby mohawk after a bath one day:

Another family photo after a bath:

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