Sunday 29 January 2012

Going back to Dec 30 to Dec 31

I thought I would go back to labour and delivery just so I could remember the day Matteo came into the world. 

I was just past my due date so Dom and I were trying everything to try to get our little guy to come into the world before being induced (Jan 6th).  So the night of the 29th we had really spicy mexican, and I had such bad indigestion that whole night.  Finally I thought maybe these are contractions at 5am on Dec 30th.  Dom downloaded an app for his phone to time my contractions which were 4 to 5 mins apart.  So we called the hospital and they told me to take a bath and then come in.  We ended up getting to the hospital around 11am.  From there I was checked in at the triage center, and they told me I was only 3 to 4 cm dilated, and to go for a walk around the hospital for an hour and then come back and they would then get me a room.  That hour was awful.  Walking around having contractions every 4 mins is not so nice, I had to stop walking every time one came on.  Finally I got my IV and was taken to my delivery room, and quickly asked that I get my epidural.  The epidural was really not that bad.  I know people say it hurts a lot but for the pain of the contractions, i'd take the drugs! *L* The only scary part is you CANNOT move, or they say you have a risk of paralyzing yourself. (scary or what!)  The only issue was, the epidural only worked on one side.  So annoying.  So I had to get it re-done again, which I didn't feel at all since I was pretty much frozen. Then I was feeling reallllly goood :) :) :) my mom said my mood change drastically *L* I was actually smiling and not so grumpy *L* By this time its the evening of the 30th and i realize i'm not going to have him today, but on the 31st. Eventually the doctor came and broke my water which made me dilate faster.  Finally around 7am or so I was fully dilated and I was now being coached to push by Dom, my mom and a nurse.  Lets just say the WORST part.  They let the epidural wear off so you can feel the contractions to push, and lets just say when they are coming on every minute they are not pleasant at all!  I was pushing for 2 and a half hours and the doctor asked if she could use the kiwi (vacuum) to help him out. OF COURSE ! At this stage just get this kid outta me!! *L* Finally with a few more pushes our little man came into the world. It was just such a surreal moment.  All of a sudden I am a mom.  Very moving. *tear* Also seeing my hubby and my mom crying is enough to make this moment extra special :) Our little (big) guy, Matteo was born at 10:20am on Dec 31st 2011 weighing in at 10lbs 3 oz and 23inches long *L* big boy!! Everyone still cannot believe I pushed out that kid! Definitely one of the best days of my life that I will remember forever :)

Here are some pictures from when he was born.

 The first time I held Matteo :)

 Daddy and Matteo:

 My Mom and Matteo:

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