Saturday 14 April 2012

Matteo's 3 month appointment

This past Friday Matteo had his 3 month check up.  He is now 15 lbs, 10 oz and 25.5inches long! I know BIG BOY! The doctor said he should now only be gaining 1 pound a month.  The newest thing Matteo has been doing is grabbing at everything. Its so amazing to watch.  He now can be entertained by just touching his baby toys! We have been giving one tablespoon of rice cereal in his bottle right before bed, and i'm not sure if its really helping or not.  He has such weird sleep patterns.  Like last night I fed him at 10:30pm and he woke two times in the night and I just gave him his pacifier and ended up feeding him at 6:30am. So that is pretty good!! I just wish he would settle himself in the night without having me to come and give him his paci.  Oh well.  We have also been sticking to giving the Biogaia probiotic drops.  They seem to help him have regular bowel movements! *L*  Hopefully we will not have to do for TOO  long as they are $30 a bottle and it last just about a month.  Here are some pictures from my cell phone.

with my new camera using polaroid option.. here is Matteo playing with his Woozit

playing with his soccer ball

Smiling today for mommy :)

in his car set with his soccer ball and mobile

chubby cheeks!

doesn't wanna smile for me 

Happy at mom and baby class

Matteo and Jaiden at the mom and baby  class

Jenn and Matteo

holding his bottle! Such a big boy!

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