Sunday 22 April 2012

pictures post and rollover!

Quick post :

Matteo has officially rolled from his stomach to back... now he just has to learn to go the other way.

Dom has a video of it on our video camera, just need to figure out how to post to here. *L*

Anyways here are some cute pictures :)
Tummy time

Doing really good with his neck

All dressed up 

...with a cute hat

Mommy and her baby boy

Just won't smile :*(

Daddy and Matteo

Family shot

Nonno, Matteo and Fluff

Grandma and Matteo

Uncle Stephen, Matteo and Fluff

Matteo and Emily... He cannot get enough of her, he'll watch her and smile oftain at her 

Enjoying his portable swing

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Keep the posts coming! He is sooo cute