Saturday 19 January 2013

Matteo's 1st Birthday!

Matteo's first birthday party was on Sunday December 30th, and we had 40 or so guest that wanted to celebrate with our little guy.  It was hectic but tons of fun.  It was nice to see all our family and friends together.  I had decided it do cookie monster themed, and the cake was soooo amazing! Matteo made out like a bandit.  Tons of clothes and TOYS!!! Seriously we are set for awhile now.  Thank you to everyone! He was so cute do when he actually decided to dive into his cake and just so cute when he watched everyone sing happy birthday to him. We do have it on video but its too big to upload on here.

Looking cute, before all the festivities

family shot

Baba and Dzedo with the bday boy

Guest shot

all the food

another guest shot

tons of presents

Cutest bday cake, and delicious too!

enjoying the cake

opening all the presents!

at a mexican restaurant on the 31st for his Bday

Happy Birthday!

Prada and....

Boswer... enjoying the basket

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