Saturday 19 January 2013

Update post

So here are some updates of Matteo:

He had his 1year check up, and is 22.4 lbs (64% percentile) and 81cm tall (98 percentile), he got 2 shots that day, and this time in his arm b/c he's a big boy.  He was actually pretty good during the whole thing.

He's walking now, really just started doing to it around his 1st bday, and now he loves walking everywhere and usually chooses to walk over crawl.

He eats a lot of our food.  I'd say his favourites are bagels and cream cheese, tomatoes, strawberries, chicken cutlets with sauce, meatballs...actually this list could go on and on.  I have to say he's a good little eater.  He also is drinking more 3.25% milk from a sippy cup.

He loves to talk away in baby talk and says words like dada, up, bye bye, tac (for cat) and sometimes mama .  His new favourite thing is to point with his index finger to whatever he wants.

Loves water and bath time.

He is just a cutie and its amazing to watch him grow everyday and watch him do new things.

Over the past few days he has had his first fever (as high as 39.5) and took him to the doctors yesterday to see what was up.   He has a double ear infection!! So my poor little guy has been in a bunch of pain.. the antibiotics should start kicking in today. That is all for now.

at Jaiden's 1st bday party
Jaiden and Matteo

eating pasta

eating strawberries, muffin and cheese
one day before I left for work


great control with his sippy cup

enjoying his first ice cream cone at the mall

cutest new walking shoes (thanks Baba and Dzedo!)

our sick little guy at the doctors :(

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