Tuesday 7 May 2013

Hey its May already...Wow is time flying!

Okay so its been ummm..... 4 months since ive posted. I've been a bit busy with work, Matteo and being pregnant... lol

Quick stat update on Matteo. At his 15month appointment he was 34inches tall, and 24.4 lbs. He is pretty avg on weight but height I think he's still in the 90percentile.  Which is quick fun when buying pants b/c he is in 24m approx. and they are too big in the waist, and if I keep him in the 18month its like he's wearing flood pants lol.  At this doctors appointment the doctor said he was reaching all him milestones and doing great.  He got 2 needles that day in each arm and was pretty grumpy the rest of the day.

Some things that are new with Matteo....well he has gotten 4 molars, and 2 eye teeth are just starting to come in.  He is growing his hair, and its getting a little curly at the back (so cute!), he's interested in TV these days, favourite shows: #1 Daniel Tiger and #2 Mickey Mouse Club. Its so cute when he watches the MMC b/c at the end when the 'hotdog dance' song comes on he claps and/or dances and then says bye bye and waves to Mickey.  I need to get this on camera! He loves to talk and says lots of words (baby talk of course) like dada, mama, cat, dog, hi, bye, wa (for water), bath, bubbles, upstairs, downstairs, more, no (one of his favs), diaper.... ummm... I'm sure there are a few others.. but he really tries to copy what we are saying. He is really good at understanding what we are saying.  He has this stuffed bear in his room that is bigger them him, and if I ask him where big bear is he go and gets him and gives him a cuddle . Its really amazing how much he understands... he does really listen to everything i'm saying (not that he LISTENS and OBEYS everything though) hehe gotta work on that.  He still loves the water, and recently with this LOVELY summer weather we are having Dom has set up his new water table and he loves it! He is doing good with food, not great but good ....I think the teething really doesnt help though. I would also love if he'd drank more milk. Its a challenge these days to get  him to drink a cup. So I usually have to give him cereal w/milk and lots of yogurt.  Anyways after my loooong winded post I will leave you with some pics of the little man. (Okay just was uploading and I have a lottttttttttttt so I am going to split them .. the pics below are form Jan to end of March..Easter)

Smile is too cute

open mouth kisses to dada

climbs the stairs no problem

looking cute :)

extra cute!

eating one of his favs...peas!

playing around


...more smiles!

bathtime fun!

loves story time

figured out how to turn on our tub facet (good thing its the cold knob)


sleepsac and pacifier and ready for bed

my adorable lil guy!


playing with his friend Thierry

getting ready for the easter egg hunt

doesnt want to hold the basket

mamma /Matteo pose

cant get a good family shot these days

lol close but not!

eating Easter dinner

drinking a little milk

pointing thinking"i'm only going to eat the ham"

playing with tupperware... another favourite

love the Mexx outfit !

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