Sunday 15 September 2013

Julia is 1 month today!

I cannot believe its been a whole month. Crazy! I think b/c lack of sleep some days just clump together and if feels like continuous days. I do have to say she is not a horrible sleeper.  She does like to sleep. I can tell you that is the difference between Matteo and Julia.  He was always alert and looking around and sleeping not so long and always feeding.  Julia on the other hand will sleep a good 3 hours and at night sometimes go one stretch of 4 to 5 hours sometimes. Its just once she's up she's hard to get back to sleep, so the night feeds are annoying b/c I find i'll be up for min an hour or so to get her change fed and back to sleep (ugh!).  Other then that recently Dom and I have noticed she likes to look around more and watch her mobile (on her play mat or in her crib or pack n play) she loves the lights and sometimes catch her watching the TV.  Matteo has been pretty good with her too. Always looking for the baby.  He does have his jealousy with her but it seems to be the worst when I am feeding her.  I always try to give him so much attention but of course he wants ALL of my attention.  But he doesn't seem to take it out on her, more just has a fit and will throw himself on the floor and just whine.  Other then that She seems to be growing and gaining weight...but I have to wait until her doctors appointment to confirm that.  Even though she was smaller then Matteo she seems to be pretty long and already filling out the 0 to 3 sleepers... I think she will be in them only for another few weeks. I think thats all for now...

Here is a picture of the one month old :)

One Month picture
Cutie in a Batman onesie

Daddy with his kiddies

trying to get a pic together

Dom capturing the best pic of them together! :) LOVE IT !

With their matching TShirts , Rockin Big Bro and Best Little Sister shirts

Chillin' watching a video with Matteo

Matteo feeding the ducks

The ducks got a bit crazy

1 comment:

Andrea. said...

I'm loving all the pics! Which pond were you at that had all the friendly ducks?? I'd love to check that place out with Emily!