Tuesday 24 September 2013

Julia's one month check up

So I was at the doctors today for Julia for her one month check up and she is 21.5 inches long and weighs 10 lbs 7 oz! Crazy! She gained 3 pounds in just over a month. Shes a little piglet, but it seriously makes me feel better to know shes getting enough breast milk, and also that I don't need to wake her to feed at night.  She has been sleeping pretty well at night since the beginning.  She has been a really great baby. *knock wood* Night time I can get 4 to 6 hours (for one chunk) and sometimes i'm waking her at the 6 hour time, so no more waking her (watch now I've jinxed it) . Even my doctor said DON'T wake her! LOL He said i'm one of the lucky ones...so we shall see.  She has also start to smile a little, I've seen her do it twice, and she is definitely more alert and loves watching her crib mobile (even now as I write this she is busy watching it go round and round) . Anyways here are some pictures...
from today, siblings sitting together

'nooooooose' Matteo says lol

cute family shot

on Sept 15th, 1month old

trying to get them together for a picture

Bath time fun time , look how big her hand looks here haha

Super Nona (not exactly sure what her name is) but she is so happy to be holding her great granddaughter

sleepy Julia

awake time

Super Julia!


Matteo trying to give Julia her paci

dressing her up hehehe 

story time with DADDY!

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