Saturday 15 February 2014

Julia is 6 months today!

Today Julia is 6 months. I cannot believe its been half a year. She has been growing so much these past few months. She eats 2 to 4 tbsp of baby cereal with fruit in the AM and for dinner she eats approx. 2 tbsps of veg, 2 tbsps of fruit and 2 tbsp of cereal.  I am now going to figure out how to add in lunch for her this month.  It just seems like there are not enough hours in the day. She is still not sleeping the night :( usually one wake up in the night anywhere btwn 1 and 4.  Its very random right now and then she will usually sleep until 6 or so. (going to sleep by 7pm!) so not so awful but really got to get her sleeping 10 hours atleast straight. She is sitting  up much better these days. has a few topples, ( I like to keep a pillow behind her).  She wants to grab ANYTHING in her sight, especially if its a cellphone or remote or something she really shouldnt be grabbing.

Here Are a few pics I took today of her and Matteo :) so hard to get a good pic.  Matteo doesn't stop moving and Julia always wants to be looking at Matteo. LOL!

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