Friday 7 March 2014

Julia 6 month appointment

Julia had her 6 month appointment a few days ago.  She is 71cm tall (97% for height) and 17.22lbs (62% for weight) . So she is staying on the same curve which is good my doc says :).   She now sits up on her own and probably her favourite position to be in.  She is not into rolling. Shes done its a few random times, but my doc says not to worry.  Some babies are just not that interested in it.  Of course worried mama over here is googling it, but it seems that is can be quite common.  My doc wants her eating more now, 3 meals a day and breastmilk 4 times a day, so we are working on that. ( of course she doesn't want to drink as much milk off of me so I don't like that) She is enjoys her food just has a smaller tummy then matteo ever did.  She will eat around 4 oz of food for breakfast, usually baby cereal with some fruit or yogurt. Lunch is the new one we are working on and I am going to try and do 4 oz of veg and fruit and Dinner she will eat a bit more btwn 4 to 6 oz of veg, cereal and fruit.  Her favourites are avocado, squash, sweet potato and most fruits.  She even likes yogurt! Sleeping has been pretty good. She goes to bed by 7pm and will usually have one wake up btwn 4 and 5am and will go back to sleep for an hour or 2.  Naps are different.  Some days she has really good naps and some are 20 to 30 min catnaps.  We are working on those.

Here are a few pics of our little princess sitting up and being extra cute :)

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