Tuesday 29 May 2012

Update and picture post

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile... not to much new with Matteo these days.  He loves LOVES rolling .  You put him on a mat or on a blanket on the floor and within a min he's already rolled to his tummy. I think he likes looking around from this perspective and playing with his toys.  I'm sure he's wishing he could be mobile and crawl... but i'm sure that day will come soon *L*.  Also so far his favourite veggie is butternut squash and least favourite is waxed beans! Well I think they upset his tummy too.  Poor thing.  Anyways here a few pics of Matteo...

Cute pajamas from Joe Fresh

Holds himself up so well on his tummy

Baba and Matteo (minus Baba's face lol)

Mommy and Matteo (he's smiling at Baba I believe)

Just chillin'

without hat in his cute Carter's outfit

Dzedo with his two grandchildren on his b-day (look at how Matteo is holding on to Emily's shirt! lol)

Daddy and Matteo! 

"No daddy, don't give him wine!" good thing the cap was on!

Happy boy :)

Sunday 13 May 2012

4 Month Appointment and Mother's Day

Matteo's 4 month appointment went well.  Dom actually took Matteo himself to the appointment so I could stay home and relax. (Yes I gave him a list of questions to ask the doctor! *L*) Matteo was 17lbs exactly and 27inches long, he is in the 98th percentile. *L* He got 2 needles and Dom said he was not as upset as the last time.  The doctor also told us we can start introducing veggies! Yay! So we started with sweet potato.  He wasn't TOO into eating it though.  The taste I think caught him off guard b/c he's used to breast milk or rice cereal which we mix with breast milk. So now we are feeding him rice cereal for breakfast and dinner and a veggie for lunch! He's growing up so fast! *tear*  ALSO big news, Matteo has learned to roll from back to tummy, and he's doing it a lot!! Also he seems to turn himself over in the night time and gets upset sometimes.  Poor guy. We have also been having some great nights of more sleep, keep it coming Matteo :D

My first Mother's Day was awesome.  Matteo and Daddy spoiled me!!! I got pink roses with a pretty new vase, and a spa gift card which I used today to get a mani and pedi :) It was a nice relaxing day. In the morning we went for Dim Sum with my folks and the Hua / Daniar family. :) Here are some cute pics :

His new favourite toy :)

eating sweet potato

being cute

Emily reading to Matteo

Happy Mother's Day!!

Mamma and Matteo

being cute
Outside on mother's day near our pretty blooming tree

Daddy and Matteo :)

Sunday 6 May 2012

Trip to Niagara Falls

A week ago today Dom and I decided to go to Niagara Falls with Matteo overnight.  Dom had taken Monday off and wanted to do something as a family... how sweet :) . Matteo slept the whole way there and was on his best behaviour the whole evening as we ate dinner downtown Niagara falls at a cute Italian restaurant and then walked around Clifton Hill with him and got some ice cream.  The night time wasn't as good.  He fed and went to sleep around 9:30 and was up almost every 1 1/2 to 2 hours .  It was exhausting!! At 6 am I asked Dom to take care of him and he took him out for a walk so I could get some sleep.  I slept another 1 1/2 hours and then we got packed up and went to the US to do some shopping for a few hours.  (We have Matteo's passport now!!) He was pretty good for the most part at the mall and slept.  I had to breast feed on a bench in the mall which was fun *L* my first time.  Lucky I had my breast feeding cover.  Driving home Matteo slept most of the way.  I was so proud of our lil'guy!! :D Here are a few pics of him being cute in the hotel:

Naked and happy

Angry stare........

......then Happy! *L*

Loving his woozit!

Our happy boy!!

loves holding his toes

and loves laughing!

Mommy and Matteo pose

Daddy and Matteo pose

Saturday 5 May 2012

First eating video with a spoon

Video of Matteo eating with daddy :)

Four Months old!!!

Time is flying by!! Matteo is four months now and definitely showing his personality. Its so crazy how fast he's growing *sniff sniff* He was weighed at the doctors on Thursday and he was 16lbs 10oz. I also think its so true now when people are like 'enjoy when they are infants because all they do is eat and sleep' .  Its crazy how true that is.  Its so much harder now to get Matteo to nap is like he thinks he'll miss out on something.  Some days are more struggles then others.  He definitely is a cat napper where he'll sleep 45mins at a time which makes him grumpy sometimes in the evenings.  Its the rare occurrence now for him to have a 2 hour nap.  We need to sleep train him, which I just don't know if i'm ready for it.  I've also notice more of an attachment to me these days which can be exhausting.  We have also started feeding him rice cereal from a spoon now!! He's a big boy now!! *sniff sniff* He actually is doing quite well with it and opening his mouth for the spoon and swallowing most of it. I'm so proud of him :).  A few other new things, he's getting into his 9month clothes now and also size 3 diapers!! He's also discovered his feet and loves holding them, and yesterday he licked his foot!! LOL!!

Matteo eating with daddy

Matteo grabbing toys on his playmat

Matteo's new favourite thing, his feet

smiles :D 

Happy boy!

My cutie! He is so photogenic 

Love these photos :)

Jolly jumper time

He's not to sure about it yet