Tuesday 29 May 2012

Update and picture post

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile... not to much new with Matteo these days.  He loves LOVES rolling .  You put him on a mat or on a blanket on the floor and within a min he's already rolled to his tummy. I think he likes looking around from this perspective and playing with his toys.  I'm sure he's wishing he could be mobile and crawl... but i'm sure that day will come soon *L*.  Also so far his favourite veggie is butternut squash and least favourite is waxed beans! Well I think they upset his tummy too.  Poor thing.  Anyways here a few pics of Matteo...

Cute pajamas from Joe Fresh

Holds himself up so well on his tummy

Baba and Matteo (minus Baba's face lol)

Mommy and Matteo (he's smiling at Baba I believe)

Just chillin'

without hat in his cute Carter's outfit

Dzedo with his two grandchildren on his b-day (look at how Matteo is holding on to Emily's shirt! lol)

Daddy and Matteo! 

"No daddy, don't give him wine!" good thing the cap was on!

Happy boy :)

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