Sunday 6 May 2012

Trip to Niagara Falls

A week ago today Dom and I decided to go to Niagara Falls with Matteo overnight.  Dom had taken Monday off and wanted to do something as a family... how sweet :) . Matteo slept the whole way there and was on his best behaviour the whole evening as we ate dinner downtown Niagara falls at a cute Italian restaurant and then walked around Clifton Hill with him and got some ice cream.  The night time wasn't as good.  He fed and went to sleep around 9:30 and was up almost every 1 1/2 to 2 hours .  It was exhausting!! At 6 am I asked Dom to take care of him and he took him out for a walk so I could get some sleep.  I slept another 1 1/2 hours and then we got packed up and went to the US to do some shopping for a few hours.  (We have Matteo's passport now!!) He was pretty good for the most part at the mall and slept.  I had to breast feed on a bench in the mall which was fun *L* my first time.  Lucky I had my breast feeding cover.  Driving home Matteo slept most of the way.  I was so proud of our lil'guy!! :D Here are a few pics of him being cute in the hotel:

Naked and happy

Angry stare........

......then Happy! *L*

Loving his woozit!

Our happy boy!!

loves holding his toes

and loves laughing!

Mommy and Matteo pose

Daddy and Matteo pose

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