Sunday 13 May 2012

4 Month Appointment and Mother's Day

Matteo's 4 month appointment went well.  Dom actually took Matteo himself to the appointment so I could stay home and relax. (Yes I gave him a list of questions to ask the doctor! *L*) Matteo was 17lbs exactly and 27inches long, he is in the 98th percentile. *L* He got 2 needles and Dom said he was not as upset as the last time.  The doctor also told us we can start introducing veggies! Yay! So we started with sweet potato.  He wasn't TOO into eating it though.  The taste I think caught him off guard b/c he's used to breast milk or rice cereal which we mix with breast milk. So now we are feeding him rice cereal for breakfast and dinner and a veggie for lunch! He's growing up so fast! *tear*  ALSO big news, Matteo has learned to roll from back to tummy, and he's doing it a lot!! Also he seems to turn himself over in the night time and gets upset sometimes.  Poor guy. We have also been having some great nights of more sleep, keep it coming Matteo :D

My first Mother's Day was awesome.  Matteo and Daddy spoiled me!!! I got pink roses with a pretty new vase, and a spa gift card which I used today to get a mani and pedi :) It was a nice relaxing day. In the morning we went for Dim Sum with my folks and the Hua / Daniar family. :) Here are some cute pics :

His new favourite toy :)

eating sweet potato

being cute

Emily reading to Matteo

Happy Mother's Day!!

Mamma and Matteo

being cute
Outside on mother's day near our pretty blooming tree

Daddy and Matteo :)

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