Monday 13 April 2015

Julia post

Quick post about Julia.  She is growing up so fast these days.  She is talking soooo much.

Some sayings that come to mind:
"I do it"
"Where's baby I O" (her baby doll)
"more apple juice please"
"where's Tao"
"Mamma feed me"
"Mamma do it"
"Mamma read me"
"read elmo book"
"Lob you" (love you)
"Bless you" (when you sneeze)
"Mamma ....hand" grabs my hand and pulls me where she wants me to go lol

and singing Ba Ba Black Sheep, ABCD song, Old MacDonald are her favs

I cannot believe she is talking this much though! So much more than Matteo did, but like Dom was saying today we need to work on her colours and ABCs and Numbers...

 She is obsessed with Elmo and Minnie Mouse.  Loves her baby dolls, and strolling them around wrapping them in a blanket and feeding them.  She does enjoy playing dinosaurs with daddy and Matteo and stomping around and chasing each other.  Its so cute. She is a pretty picky eater, and hardest things to get her to eat are veggies and meat.  So favs are: Most Fruits, cottage cheese, any type of cheese really, scrambled eggs, pasta with cheese, pastina, oatmeal, most carbs are no problem and she loves her sweets UGH! Its hard with the 2nd when they see their older brother getting a M&M when he goes potty. She loves her 'choc-o-lat!' she says it so cute and funny!

She is more independent than Matteo was at this age and strong willed.  She likes to say 'I do it ' a lot.  She even tries to dress herself, put on her own shoes / boots, she loves to wear hats, sunglasses but hates me putting ANYTHING in her hair. So annoying!  She is also a daredevil and I bet it has to do with keeping up with her brother.  She has no fear going down slides at the park or jumping on the trampoline at home or sliding down our couch.

Bed time is sometimes a challenge with her, but she sure does love to sleep with all her stuffys in her bed, especially her 3 bunnies (her FAVs).  Most nights Dom or I will rock her to sleep or until she is very sleepy.   She has been a great sleeper though at night which has been great.  (sleeps 11 to 12 hours) and naps usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours for nap.  She is growing up so fast and I feel like she is not a baby anymore but more a little girl :( I feel her baby years just flew by. :( *sigh*

Here are some pictures of my 'big' girl :

Easter 2015

So this easter was exciting, because Matteo was really into the whole easter bunny thing and looking for eggs.  (we had read a few easter books and he was all into the looking for eggs part).  In the morning the Easter bunny had visited our house and left then each easter presents on the table and a basket to look for eggs.  Matteo had to look for blue and green and Julia had to look for pink and orange.  It was really cute while they collected them all.  We then headed over to Dom's grandparents for Easter lunch and then we had Easter dinner at my parents house.  It was a very busy day!

Here are some pictures from that day :

(They uploaded backwards so hear is from the end of our day to the start)

Eating the beautiful Easter cake my mom made!!!

Matteo getting a cool new dinosaur book from the Hua family

 Small Easter egg hunt at my parents, which we could done it outside but too cold :(

At Dom's Grandparents place:

Easter Morning smiles, getting a new dino toy:

Julia getting a new Elmo :

Easter egg hunt around our house

Tired children and parents between Easter shindigs:

Saturday I was at the mall with the kids and was trying to avoid the Disney store and ended up passing the Easter bunny.  Well Matteo was so excited and wanted to see him I ended up getting their picture with him. Not to bad actually :)

Saturday 11 April 2015

Good friday - Painting easter eggs with cousins!

So our tradition has always been on the Daniar side to colour easter eggs on Good Friday, and bake yummy paska (easter bread).  So I decided since I was not going to have Easter at my house, that we would do this at our house this year.  So we had my sister, Emily, Claire and my mom over.  They had a lot of fun.  I think Matteo enjoyed the colouring of the eggs the most, (besides me and my sis hehe) we do love it! Here are some pictures from that day:

Matteo and 'his' cat

Matteo and Julia playing around before the cousins arrive.

Hugs all around

Except for Claire.  She was sick and not a happy girl

Let the colouring of the eggs begin

Goofing around with Baba


They love to hang out

A smile from Claire!

Now relaxing watching TV

Claire didn't want to get in on the fun

all the pretty eggs they coloured