Saturday 11 April 2015

Matteo's ear tube surgery

On March 21st, Matteo had ear tube surgery done.  We had decided to do it b/c he has had about 6 ear infections during this winter, and I felt it was too much antibiotics.  (so did the doctors)
After researching it, I found out that children that get tubes done usually makes a child hear better too.  That also interested me a lot b/c my pead and I both thought Matteo could have a bit of a speech delay.  Before his surgery, we did go the week before for a hearing test but the test was inconclusive b/c Matteo could not sit for what felt like an adult ear test.  It was pretty ridiculous what they wanted him to do.  The night before the tube surgery we were told he could have no food or water after midnight.  Once I heard that I new it was going to be a difficult night.   Matteo always has had water in his room, and since he was fighting a bit of a cold / cough I knew he'd be thirsty.  He did wake at 3am freaking for water, and then 5am, which then we all stayed up b/c we had to be out of the house at 6am anyways.  (registration was at 6:30am) Once we got to the hospital it was just meltdown after meltdown. My poor child just wanted a drink of water.  We kept telling him after the doctor sees you you may have some. It was really wearing me down right up till the nurse came to talk to Dom and I what was going to happen. Thats when I lost it and cried.  I felt so helpless.  So then the nurse took Matteo from me and they walked off with him to the OR.  He actually didn't cry... he just looked back at us like 'WHAT is going on' .  Man I felt horrible. Poor Dom had to deal with me .  I think he was surprised how much I was upset.  The surgery was only suppose to last for 10-15min so the doctor said to wait in the Cafe.  It actually went by so fast, b/c soon walked in was the doctor and he told us everything went really well and he sucked out a lot of fluid out of his ear.  I was then buzzed into recovery to go see him, he was already sitting up and was looking totally normal and fine.  He basically leaped into my arms though when I saw him.  It was so cute.  And what does he ask me when he sees me? I want water mama!! OMG the poor kid is thirsty, can someone please give him some water?!? So they rush us out of recovery b/c he is fine, and back to day surgery where he downs a whole glass of water, a glass of apple juice, eats 2 cookies  and 2 popsicles! LOL not joking! We are able to leave since he is fine and we are out of the hospital at by 9am.  It was so fast couldn't believe it.

Now that its been a few weeks since his surgery, I have to say that this was the best thing we probably ever did for him.  His speech and communication skills have changed drastically.  Its amazing how now I can communicate with him and he talks back and is way better.  He notices the littlest noises, like the cat meowing downstairs, or the music play on low in the car.  He even bops around to music now.  I feel kinda horrible now knowing he probably heard everything so muffled before.  Its like we opened up a whole new world for him.  I also feel he is in better spirits too.  I think the constant fluid in his ears made him a little grumpy.  Maybe he never really felt 'good'.  I am just so glad this is done. We are now focusing on the potty training and its going waaaaaay better than we tried before.  He has had a LOT of dry days.  We now only put him in underwear during the day (even when we go out in the car), and he gets a diaper at night.  Our next goal is to figure out the going #2 in the potty.  That one can be hit or miss.

Here are some pictures of our handsome 'BIG' boy :)

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